What is this Jesus about?
Tebah of Grace
It is my pleasure to tell you this great news!!!
You see, you were not an accident. You are not just floating around by happen chance. You were created by our God for a purpose. One of those purposes is to have a relationship with Him (James 4:8). But since the beginning of creation sin has gotten in the way of us being able to be "right" before our God (Genesis 3:6-24). So over 2000 years ago God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, down for us. Jesus is all God and all human (John1:1-5). It was the only way it would have ever worked. Jesus came as the ultimate coverage for our sin. He came and took on our sin and took all the brutality that was meant for us and the ugliest thing we have done in our life and paid the ultimate price (Galations 3:10-14). You see over 2000 years ago He hung on a cross and paid our price whispering our name on His lips (Romans 5:8). But that is not even the best part. The best part is we don't believe in a God that is dead and cannot help us. You see, even death can't keep Jesus down. In 3 days He resurrected just like He promised (Luke 24:1-8). He conquered what we could never conquer (I Corinthians 15:55-57). And He brings that life altering power and offers it to us through salvation and Holy Spirit. With that we can now have relationship with God and can now spend eternity with Him in heaven (1 John 5:11-12). This is what we refer to as being 'Born Again', because we have a new hope as we now have taken on to follow Jesus Christ (John 3:1-17).
So how can you have Jesus pay for your sins too? How can you have a right relationship with our Heavenly Father? You say this simple prayer. Say it with me now...
Dear Jesus. I believe in You, God, and Holy Spirit. I believe that You, Jesus, came down to earth over 2000 years ago and died for my sins by hanging on the cross. I thank you God that you thought of me and died for me that day. I ask You to forgive me of all wrongs. I am sorry for all my mistakes in life. I invite You God right now into my life. I will follow You. Come now and be my LORD. Please send Holy Spirit down to help me obey and learn more about You. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.
If you have just said that prayer with me I am beyond excited!!! And trust me heaven is too!!! This is a big day and you just made a wonderful decision. There are a couple of next steps. First I want you to tell me by filing out the section below 'Contact Me' and letting me know that you have made this choice. That way I can personally congratulate you and send you a free Bible! Second, it is important that you get into a church and tell the Pastor there of this wonderful decision. To the left you will also see a link about some wonderful churches by you.